How to remove rust from the soldering iron (2023)

A soldering iron is a useful tool used in various applications in industries, such as electronics and metalworking. Poor maintenance and no use of soldering iron for a long time can negatively affect the tool and can cause rust.

Rust may build up on the iron’s tip, which can result in poor soldering ability, or it can develop on the handle, which can make it hard to use. Rust accumulation on the soldering iron’s tip might impair its ability to perform and harm the delicate electrical components being repaired.

Various methods can be used to remove rust from the soldering iron. sandpaper, brass sponge, and vinegar are effective methods that can remove rust and can improve the soldering iron performance.

Say goodbye to rust on your soldering iron with these simple methods and follow our article to restore your soldering iron’s shine and ensure its smooth performance. 

Let’s get started.

Causes of Rust

Before discussing different methods for rust, it is important to see what causes rust. Iron or steel reacts with oxygen and moisture in the air to form rust.

The iron corrodes as a result of this chemical reaction, which might result in the development of the reddish-brown covering known as rust.

If a soldering iron is exposed to moisture or is used to solder materials that contain moisture, such as wet wood or damp metal, rust may develop on the tip. Let’s understand the reasons for rust.

a. Moisture

The main cause of rust is moisture. A soldering iron is made of metal, and when it comes into contact with moisture, it can lead to rusting. Moisture can come from various sources, including humidity, water spills, or exposure to the elements.

For example, you left your soldering iron in a damp environment and fail to dry it completely. The moisture in the air or on the iron’s surface can react with the iron, causing rust to form on the metal surface.

To prevent rust try to keep the soldering iron in a dry place and dry it after every use.

b. Lack of use

If you do not use a soldering iron and are kept it for a long time without using it this can also cause rust.

Sometimes we store the soldering iron in a garage or other humidity environment and then we forget about it. This lack of use can also be the reason for the rust. To the rust store the soldering iron in a safe place and try to regularly check it.

c. Poor storage

Keeping tools in a safe place is one of the essential steps of care.  If the soldering iron is kept in a damp and moist place it will negatively affect the iron.

Poor storage can cause rust to a soldering iron and its tip. The rust can cause difficulty in heat transfer to the joints. It’s important to store the iron in a dry place, away from moisture and other environmental factors.

How to remove rust from the soldering iron

Fortunately, there are several methods to effectively remove rust from a soldering iron, now we’ll discuss them in detail 

1. Brass Sponge

Brass sponge is a versatile and popular cleaning tool that is made by pulling thin, steel fibers. These fibers are then squeezed and twisted together. It is used for a variety of cleaning and polishing purposes.

How to remove rust from the soldering iron

Brass sponge as known as steel wool can also be utilized to clean the rust from soldering iron. One of the benefits of steel wool is its abrasive properties, which make it effective in removing dirt.


  • Unplug and turn off the soldering iron to ensure safety.
  • Wait until the soldering iron is cool enough to be clean.
  • Take steel wool and gently rub it over the rusted area of the soldering iron.
  • Apply gentle pressure while rubbing the steel wool over the rusted area.
  • Repeat the process until all the dirt and rust are removed.

Brass sponge (Amazon link) is useful for eliminating rust from surfaces with moderate amounts of rust. However, more intensive rust removal methods, like sandblasting, may be necessary if the rust has permeated deeply or built up for a long time.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar is an acidic solution that contains acetic acid, they help in dissolving and removing rust from metal surfaces. Vinegar can also be used to remove rust from a soldering iron to ensure its better performance.

Additionally, vinegar is a mild acid and is less likely to cause damage to the soldering iron, compared to harsher chemicals that can be used for rust removal.


  • Unplug the soldering iron and wait for it to cool down completely.
  • Dampen a clean cloth or paper towel with vinegar.
  • Use a damp cloth or paper towel to gently scrub the rusted areas on the soldering iron.
  • If the rust is stubborn, you can also try soaking the tip of the soldering iron in vinegar for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the process as much as you want to clean all the rust.
  • After cleaning wipe the soldering iron with a clean and dry cloth.

It’s essential to keep the vinegar out of the soldering iron to prevent damage or corrosion to the heating element. It’s necessary to keep in mind that the removal of heavy or rigid rust may not be possible with vinegar. In this case, an abrasive cleaner or more potent rust remover may be required.

3. Sandpaper

Sandpaper is a simple and effective method to clean rust from soldering iron. The 200 to 600-grit sandpaper is recommended for cleaning purposes. Poor storage can cause rust on the soldering iron.

Sand Paper

The sandpaper (Amazon link) can clean intense rust and make the soldering iron perform efficiently. 


  • Unplug the soldering iron and wait for it to cool down.
  • Take the fine-grit sandpaper and gently sand the rust off the soldering iron, but don’t apply too much pressure.
  • If the rust is stubborn and won’t come off with sandpaper alone, you can soak the tip of the soldering iron in white vinegar for a few hours. This will help dissolve the rust.
  • Dry the soldering iron thoroughly with a clean towel or cloth.

Sandpaper is an abrasive material it can damage the soldering iron if misused. The sandpaper can remove intense rust and improve soldering iron performance.


 A soldering iron needs to be cleaned of rust regularly to maintain the tool’s functionality. Rust accumulation on the iron can decrease its heat conductivity, degrade its performance, or possibly permanently harm the iron.

There are several methods with pros and cons for cleaning rust from soldering iron. The steel wool and vinegar can be used to clean mild rust from soldering iron. For intense and stubborn rust we can use sandpaper and can restore the iron functionality.

Sandpaper is an abrasive material that can need proper handling and on the other hand steel wool and vinegar are less likely to damage the iron, but their frequent use can have some consequences.

All these methods are quick and efficient to keep a soldering iron in good shape and remove rust from it. The iron can last longer with routine cleaning and maintenance.

Make sure to keep the iron clean if you want proper soldering and heat transfer.

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